How to Not Be Tired

There are many causes for being tired. These can range anywhere from not getting enough sleep, to poor nutrition, to just your average afternoon slump. Here are a few energy medicine exercises that can lead to improved energy levels. Every body is different and responds to exercises differently. To find out what works best for you consult an energy medicine practitioner for proper exercise testing for individual needs.

1. Adrenal fatigue. If we are bogged down with stress, or have just been pushing ourselves to the limit, we can easily overwhelm our adrenal glans which help us regulate our stress and energy levels. They are there to give us an extra boost of adrenaline when we are under stress and need to be on high alert. If these glans are over taxed they can become drained which can lead to being tired all the time. To help, you can rub your adrenal reflex points. Find these by locating your belly button (naval) and bring your fingers 1 inch up and then 1 inch out away from your center line. Now push in deep and rub for 30 seconds. Repeat on your back, directly behind the points on your front. Adrenals

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